Charquicán - Chilean Stew
This hearty Chilean stew is a good way to use leftover roasted meat and whatever fresh or frozen vegetables you have on hand. The stew is topped with a fried egg, a typically Chilean finish.
* 1/2 kilo carne (posta) - 1/2 kilo meat
* 2 choclos - 2 ears of corn, very finely ground (pureed frozen corn niblets may be substituted)
* 1/2 kilo verduras varias - 1/2 kilo assorted vegetables
* 2 cucharadas manteca - 2 tablespoons lard or oil
* 2 tazas caldo o agua con sal - 2 cups broth or salted water
* oregano
* ají - chile peppers of your choice, or cayenne pepper
* 8 papas - 8 potatoes
* 1 cebolla - 1 onion
* huevos - 1 egg per serving
Generally, charquicán is prepared with left over meat and is better with ground roasted meat. First, fry meat in lard or oil with the onion, corn seasoned with chile peppers or cayenne, salt and oregano. When the onion is soft, add the potatoes, vegetables and broth. Let simmer until the vegetables are cooked. Serve with a fried egg on top of each serving.
Nota: En general, el charquicán lo preparan con carne cocida y queda mejor con carne asada charqueada.
La posta se corta en cuadros y se frie en dos cucharadas manteca, con cebolla y choclos picaods finos, sazonados con aji, sal y oregano seco. Estando todo bien frito, se vacia sobre las papas y verduras que debian haberse cocido al vapor en un poco de caldo. Se deja a fuego lento que hierva despacio y se sirve con un huevio frito encima.
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